Entries by Matthew Craven

Here’s A Little Gift From Hull Sport

 Have a festive gift on Hull Sport The Festive season is here and Hull Sport would like to spread the festive cheer for those of you who are staying on campus over the winter break. During the week of the 25th December, we are offering two free sports sessions available to students and staff at…

Play Safe Weekend 2023

PLEDGING OUR SUPPORT FOR THE PLAY SAFE WEEKEND 2023 Saturday 30th Sept/Sunday 1st October At the end of this month, English football at every level will unite to promote Play Safe – a national campaign to focus attention of the vital importance of safeguarding in our national game. Led by The Football Association, the Play…

Inner Warrior – Beginners Rugby For Women

Find Your Inner Warrior This Academic Year Inner Warrior is an exciting, brand new project at Hull Sport in 2023/24.   The aim of this project is to get more new women playing rugby, creating a safe, relaxed community for women to make friends, keep fit and be involved in women's sport.   The sessions…

Hull Sport Leagues

Do you have what it takes to win it all? Hull Sport deliver a variety of leagues right here on campus from Football to Netball to Basketball. All of the leagues are open to University of Hull students and are a great way to play social and competitive sport on campus. Football 5 a side…

Summer is here….

It's the best time of the year, sunshine and sport! The academic year maybe over for a lot of you however we appreciate not everyone goes home over the summer break. The Move For Your Mind timetable will kick off its Summer programme from Monday 5th June, see below the timetable for all the activity…

Move For Your Mind – Exam Timetable

Look after your mental and physical wellbeing this exam period with Hull Sport We are almost there, the end of the academic year for 22-23. However we still have you covered for all your sporting needs through this exam period. See below the latest Move For Your Mind sports timetable dated the 9th - 21st…

Workforce Academy Shoutout…

Congratulations to Sophie Al-Mudallal Sophie is leading member of the Hull Sport Workforce Academy and has really excelled over the last 12 months through our squash programmes. Sophie has worked on the likes of our in school squash programme Rackets Cubed, delivered female only student sessions and transitioned into the lead of our after school…

5-A-Side Football Tournament

Have you entered your team yet? Hull Sport are running the end of year football tournament on the 31st March and have very limited places. This event is always a sellout and we can't guarantee every team a place to play on the day of the event. This event is open to everyone and you…