Hull Sport Park - Code of Conduct
1. Facilities
1.1 Use of the Premises includes use of the Equipment, sports centre car park (passes may be required), changing rooms and toilet facilities for the Purpose and for the Period only.
1.2 The Premises will be equipped with any Equipment but will otherwise contain no other equipment except such standard equipment as the University normally keeps in the Premises, unless otherwise agreed in writing.
1.3 Set up times for all bookings are included in the Period/booking time, and may take place at the end of each Period/booking time in readiness for the next session to start on time. This should be taken into account when booking.
2. User
2.1 No part of the Premises is to be used for any purpose other than the Purpose and for the Period only. Users must not use any of the grass areas at any time, unless prior consent is obtained from the University.
2.2 No part of the Premises is to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way. The Hirer shall ensure that sport specific Equipment (such as hockey goals) is used for the correct/intended sport only.
2.3 No animal is to be brought into the Premises or allowed to enter the Premises without the consent of the University.
2.4 The Hirer must at all times during the Period and its use of the Premises exercise good faith towards the University and its other authorised users of the University’s surrounding facilities. Unless otherwise directed by the University, Customers should use the main car park and not surrounding residential or service roads.
2.5 Smoking and consumption of alcohol are not permitted within the Premises and the Hirer shall ensure that smoking and/or consumption of alcohol by its invitees and Users does not take place inside the Premises.
2.6 The Hirer shall not and shall procure that its invitees, Users and attendees do not bring any food or drink onto the University premises either for consumption or resale unless it first obtains the written consent of the University who may impose such conditions as it thinks fit.
2.7 The Hirer shall not and shall procure that its invitees, Users and attendees do not consume chewing gum or similar whilst using the outdoor pitches as it causes irreversible damage to the pitches if it comes into contact with the artificial turf.
2.8 Unacceptable language/behaviour towards other Users and/or the University will not be tolerated and any abusive behaviour towards University staff or other users of the Premises will be taken very seriously. The University may terminate this Agreement or cancel a booking if it, in its reasonable opinion, is of the view that the Hirer, its invitees, Users or attendees have used unreasonable or unacceptable language or behaviour.
2.9 The Hirer shall not and shall procure that its invitees, Users and attendees use the designated toilet facilities provided. If it does not and alternative means are used, the University may cancel the booking or terminate the Agreement.
2.10 Where the premises booked include grass pitches the University’s sports centre reception or nominated representative will allocate the pitch on arrival. The Hirer must ensure that only the allocated pitch(es) are used even if other pitches appear to be available.
3. Hirer Obligations
3.1 During the Period the Hirer is responsible for the efficient supervision of the Premises including (without limitation and without prejudice to the generality of the above):
(a) the orderly and safe admission and departure of persons to and from the Premises;
(b) the orderly and safe evacuation of the Premises in case of emergency;
(c) the safety and security of the Premises;
(d) the preservation of good order and decency in the Premises;
(e) ensuring that all doors giving egress from the Premises are left unfastened and unobstructed and immediately available for exit;
(f) ensuring that no obstruction is placed or allowed to remain in any corridor giving access to the Premises;
(g) ensuring co-operation with other users.
3.2 The Hirer shall:
(a) ensure that the terms of the Booking Form are complete and accurate;
(b) co-operate with the University in all matters relating to the hire of the Premises and Equipment (as applicable);
(c) provide the University with such information and materials as the University may reasonably require in order to provide the Equipment (as applicable), and ensure that such information is accurate in all material respects;
(d) obtain and maintain all necessary licences, permissions and consents which may be required before the start of the Period;
(e) keep and maintain all materials, equipment, Equipment, documents and other property of the University (University Materials) at the Hirer's premises in safe custody at its own risk, maintain the University Materials in good condition until returned to the University, and not dispose of or use the University Materials other than in accordance with the University's written instructions or authorisation;
(f) (if requested by the University) provide proof of eligibility for concessionary or preferential rates.
3.3 The Hirer must not do or permit any act matter or thing which would or might constitute a breach of any statutory or legal requirement affecting the Premises or which would or might vitiate in whole or in part any insurance effected in respect of the Premises.
3.4 The Hirer must comply with all applicable laws, University policies, conditions and regulations made in respect of the Premises including those made by the fire authority and those relating to health and safety.
3.5 At the end of the Period the Hirer shall leave the Premises in a clean and orderly state free of litter and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the above) the Hirer must remove all equipment previously brought in by or on behalf of the Hirer excluding the Equipment which must be left at the Premises unless otherwise directed by the University.
3.6 Failure to comply with condition 5.2(f) shall permit the University to withdraw any concessionary or preferential rates from the Hirer and to charge at full rates.
4. Damage to University Property
The Hirer is to take good care of and not cause any damage to be done to the Premises or to any fittings, equipment, Equipment or other property in the Premises and is to make good and pay for any such damage caused by the act or omission of the Hirer or anyone for whom the Hirer is responsible including those permitted by the Hirer to enter the Premises.